Dear x:talk

We are the Nodo Solidale collective – Solidarity Knot, a grassroots group of activists based in Italy and Mexico. Our path is antifascist, antiracist, antisexist libertarian and independent from any party. Since a few years we have been working on building bridges of solidarity and cooperation together with the activists involved in anti authoritarian struggles in Mexico.

We are writing to tell you about the Brigada Callejera, a grassroots group of sex workers/activists in D.F. Mexico, which is also part of the Red Mexicana de Trabajo Sexual and of the Otra Campaña.

We met the Brigata callejera during one of our trips to Mexico. Since then, we started collaborating with them both by translating materials and press releases into Italian and English, and by raising funds for their autonomous health clinics, selling their condoms or organising benefit events.

The Brigada Callejera is currently struggling for sex worker rights in Mexico. They are working to create a space for sexual health for sex workers in two autonomous clinics in the heart of Mexico City.

We as Nodosolidale are building a european solidarity web between the Brigada and other grassroots activists groups who deal with sexual workers rights here in Europe, and are interested in knowing them and their struggle, and spread it and support it.

If you are interested in spreading their voice and their materials on your website or even organize benefit/info events, you can contact us or directly them (in spanish) through their email below.

And if you like to sustaing the brigada by distributing condoms, we can also provide you with the encanto :

For further information:

Our projects with the Brigada Callejera:
Brigata’s email address:  brigada.callejera AT

An article written by Raul Zibechi about the Street Brigade: Mexico’s Street Brigade: Sex, Revolution, and Social Change

A video on The Street Brigade (with english subtitles) :

Autonomous Clinics photogallery:


Category: praxis

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2 Responses

  1. admin says:

    Hola Brigada Callejera!

    Acabamos de recibir un mail (lo puse abajo) por el nodo solidale contándonos sobre ustedes y su trabajo exepcional! Lamento no tener mucho tiempo para presentarnos- somos un colectivo de migrantes trabajadores del sexo en londres, e organizamos clases de ingles gratuitas para otr@s trabajador@s. Además de las clases participamos en luchas e nos organizamos contra la criminalizacion de nuestro trajbajo, para derechos de los migrantes, anti-racismo, derechos de los trabajadores, cuestiones de genero y sexualidad. Somos tambien anti-fascistas y nuestro colectivo opera como tal-sin jerarquías.

    Nos financian donaciones, fiestas, organizaciones feministas independientes como Feminist Review Trust y (ojala-estamos esperando ke nos contesten) Mama Cash, y un proyecto de derechos humanos (Aim for Human Rights) (aun si somos muy criticos de la política de derechos humanos- como todavia no todas las personas tienen estatus de ‘humanos’ en sus discursos)

    El dinero lo usamos exclusivamente para gastos de material y para pagar a nuestr@s profes. El resto es activismo voluntario por el colectivo.

    Ayer tuvimos una reunión en donde hablamos de ustedes y decidimos que nos gustaria muchisimo formar alianzas con ustedes:
    Nos gustaria comprar £150 de condones para distribuirlos entre alumnos y en una fiesta de solidariedad (que ojala organizaremos este verano) cuya ganancia decidimos enviar a ustedes en gran parte (y si nos lo podemos permitir) por completo.
    Si nos envian info sobre como actuar la compra de los condones lo haremos cuanto antes.
    lo siento es por mayor parte en ingles. Tenemos el propósito de traducir partes cuanto mas pronto posible.

    En lucha y solidariedad!!

    Ava Caradonna

  2. admin says:

    Dear Nodo Solidale,

    We would like to thank you for letting us know about Brigata Callejera.

    As you probably know The x:talk project is a space to organise and empower workers in the sex industry and to encourage critical interventions around the issues of MIGRATION, GENDER and LABOUR.

    This morning we wrote to Brigata about our decisions taken yesterday evening during aur meeting (see below the email, we also mentioned your collective). We are excited for creating new network and we hope to build bridge with new political allies.


    En lucha,

    Ava Caradonna

    Car* Nodo Solidale,

    Volevamo ringraziarvi per averci dato la possibilità di conoscere la Brigata Callejera.

    Come forse sapete x:talk è uno spazio che lavora per l’autorganizzazione e l’autodeterminazione delle lavoratrici e del lavoratori nell’industria del sesso e che incoraggia azioni e interventi con pensiero critico su MIGRAZIONE, GENERE e LAVORO.

    Proprio questa mattina abbiamo scritto una mail alla Brigata con le decisioni prese ieri in riunione (ve la inviamo proprio perché vi abbiamo mentionato). Siamo molto entusiaste all’idea di poter lavorare con la Brigata Callejera e speriamo di poter costruire una nuova alleanza politica con loro.

    Grazie ancora.

    En lucha,

    Ava Caradonna

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