Radio AvA’s 25th show: tomorrow, Fri 13th July @ 4pm on

AvA returns from a short summer break, to find an angry brat from hell and a SESTA/FOSTA radicalised proposals floating on our horizon.

Let’s put on a good show of facing the music armed with, well, more music, and sex workers views, life, activism and culture.

Including but not limited to:

– Auntie Wussy Pillow giving live sex work advice on the Anti Trump protest in London.

– The SWAI (Sex Workers Alliance Ireland) event in Dublin. With horror stories from the Nordic model in action in Ireland and France, feminist exclusion of sex workers and the Me2# movement, the victim vs ‘happy hooker’ dichotomy in the media, and the targeting of migrant women and the poor through the criminalisation of sex work.

– A reading from Resisting and Resilient’ project: stories from those of us who are disabled, queer, kinky, sex workers, survivors. A history of how political action comes from the power of survival.

– Spycops. How to spot one and why they need an exit program. Sex workers Impressions from the Scotland, Surveillance and Spycops conference in Glasgow.

– A sunny field report from the rousing 4th July emergency protest in front of the British Parliament to demonstrate our extreme displeasure with an indecent attempt to ban UK sex workers from advertising.

– New! Radio AvA’s random news flash.

Also featuring: Wankers’ Corner, gold stars for Keepers and Radio B Easy tart lit.


Got a tune you desire, a wanker or keeper to share, or a burning question for auntie?

Tell AvA on or

Listen to shows from our inglorious past on:

Tune in tomorrow, Friday 13th July @ 4pm on


Weekly free casual drop-in run by and for sex workers, with hot food, supplies, resources and chat.

Wednesdays 11am - 3pm

London E1

Text 07518 569284


Twitter @ldnswb

IG @sw_breakfasts

More Information On London Sex Worker Breakfasts Here

Making Our Work Safer

Volume 1: Safe Calls, Screening and Buddy Systems for Sex Workers (Spring 2013). Download the booklet or contact xtalk to get a free copy posted to you.
