Tomorrow is Radio AvA’s birthday! Fri 27th Apr. @ 3pm on

This month our DIY sex workers radio station turns two years old.

We’ll toast to our continued survival and ill humour live on web, play birthday tunes, and be merry.

But fear not, this show is also packed with substance.


– Feminist queer porn, including sound bytes from the premier of the film Fucking Against Fascism and interviews about the politics of porn in contemporary US and how to make porn collectively; a retrospective for Pandora / Blake at the London queer film festival, with insights about feminist porn making and how to handle increasingly hostile UK legislation censuring feminist and queer sexual representations.

– An overview of the new US anti -sex workers legislation SESTA / FOSTA and how it effects us.

Many thanks to those who contributed to this month’s segment on SESTA / FOSTA legislation and how it does and may further affect us.

For the full episode from Three in the Pink plus many other episodes of raucous and badass social commentary, find them on Twitter @3inthepinkpod and at

The Best Practices Policy

Who Will Be Harmed By This ”Sex Trafficking” Legislation?


Sadie Slyfox in Overland Journal

SESTA: An Attack on Sex Workers’ Safety


And here’s a list of decentralized and privacy prioritizing alternatives to popular US based web services:

Mastodon, a Twitter alternative which contains an ‘instance’ called Switter that is already gaining patronage from service providers and service users alike

– ECP with news of feminist slurs and sex bots; the Home Office funded research into the sex industry; are “brothels being given the green light by police as long as sex workers are safe”; Rachel from US PROS on opposition to a California law which would criminalise sex workers sharing safety tips and helping each other.

– Radio B Easy: Reading and illustrating ‘London Triptych’ by Jonathan Kemp.

– Reflections on our relationships with long term clients and processing work related grief.

– Auntie Wussy Pillow: your sex workers’ agony aunt.

– How to survive close encounters with abolitionists.

– Wankers’ / vs Keepers Corner

Got a tune you fancy, a question for auntie, a rant?

Tell AvA on or

Join the party tomorrow, Friday 27th April @ 3pm on

AvANeonListen to AvA’s misadventures in the past year on


Weekly free casual drop-in run by and for sex workers, with hot food, supplies, resources and chat.

Wednesdays 11am - 3pm

London E1

Text 07518 569284


Twitter @ldnswb

IG @sw_breakfasts

More Information On London Sex Worker Breakfasts Here

Making Our Work Safer

Volume 1: Safe Calls, Screening and Buddy Systems for Sex Workers (Spring 2013). Download the booklet or contact xtalk to get a free copy posted to you.
