Radio AvA’s 18th show: tomorrow, Fri 17th November @ 4pm

Winter is coming. So Ava rustled together an afternoon of broody listening. Featuring:

– Our very own audio smut stars with readings from the new book Bang-Up and Smash. A practical guide to women’s prisons, bail hostels and probation by Asbo.

A new project investigating police interaction and implication of the law on workers in East London.

– A dispatch from Amsterdam, where Avas made a pilgrimage to the last peep show in Europe, haunted collectively run and activist’s windows in the red light district, and interviewed Dinah de Riquet-Bons from PROUD – the Dutch association of sex workers and Trans United Amsterdam about the implications of the current push for registration on migrant, trans and queer sex workers.

– The English Collective of Prostitutes with development in the UK and cases and campaigns they are working on, updates from Empower Foundation Thailand, and a discussion of about the All Party Parliamentary Group and their inquiry on “pop up” brothels.

– A sex workers’ analysis of TERF rhetoric and what they mean for us.

On this show we are delighted to play music selected and created by the musician, writer, DJ and party promoter A/Ona (Alessia D’Artino). A/Ona, who played bass e punk band Fucking Barbies, Dark Skies Association (with Molly Nilsson) and Mary and the Baby Cheeses (with Mary Ocher) and promoted Berlin events such as the Poopsy Club and Drone, has also contributed original tracks from her music project HOW.

Tune in tomorrow, Fri 17th November @ 4pm on


Missed our October show? Check it out on


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London E1

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Making Our Work Safer

Volume 1: Safe Calls, Screening and Buddy Systems for Sex Workers (Spring 2013). Download the booklet or contact xtalk to get a free copy posted to you.
