Language and Immigration Controls: No One is Illegal Public Meeting

Discussion on the introduction of a pre-entry English Language Requirement for the Spousal Visa

  • Wednesday 20 October, 7pm to 9pm
  • Unite Offices, 128 Theobold’s Road , WC1X 8TN , nearest tube Holborn
  • Speaker: Emily Churchill (co-founder of a campaign to try and stop the new law)

On November 29th spouses or partners, from outside of the European Economic Area, applying to come to Britain will have to pass an English language test before they come to the UK . This was designed under New Labour but is being implemented a year early by the coalition government as a sign that it is prepared to be tougher than its predecessor – “I believe being able to speak English should be a pre-requisite for anyone who wants to settle here. The new English requirement for spouses will help promote integration, remove cultural barriers and protect public services. It is a privilege to come to the UK and that is why I am committed to raising the bar for migrants…this is only the first step.” (Theresa May)

Emily says of the new requirement, “My husband and I speak Arabic together, he is learning English and we both think this is very important. However, this law is not about enabling new immigrants to learn English. This new rule discriminates against spouses from parts of the world where English tuition is poor or non-existent, not to mention those who cannot afford to pay for English classes. What’s more, it doesn’t apply to spouses from within the EU who don’t speak English. The rule shows a complete disregard for the right of married couples and families to be together, and effectively punishes people like myself for marrying outside the EU.”

Open to all. Come and discuss with those affected by the new law, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teachers, activists and trade unionists – what will the new law mean? What can we do?
For further details or directions call Rebecca on 07971 719 797


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